Computer Vision for Culture & Tourism

The group is committed to the protection of digital culture and the intelligent calculation of tourism data. We are particularly interested in 1) digital watermarking for counterfeit verification and copyright protection, 2) clothes and furniture recognition and 3) tourist scene analysis.


  1. WRAP: Watermarking Approach Robust Against Film-coating upon Printed Photographs
    G. Liu, Y. Si, Z. Qian, X. Zhang, S. Li, and W. Peng
    MM '23: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2023.
  2. Uncovering Tourist Sentiments for Ethnic Ecotourism Destinations
    F. Xie, L. Cai, Y. Sun, Z. Qian, J. Yang, and Q. Cha
    GTHC2022: 5th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong, June 13-14, 2022.
  3. Robust Watermarking for Video Forgery Detection with Improved Imperceptibility and Robustness
    Y. Zhou, Q. Ying, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, Z. Qian, and X. Zhang
    IEEE 24th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, September 26-28, 2022, Shanghai, China.
  4. RWN: Robust Watermarking Network for Image Cropping Localization
    Q. Ying, X. Hu, X. Zhang, Z. Qian, and X. Zhang
    IEEE ICIP, 2022
  5. Unified Performance Evaluation Method for Perceptual Image Hashing
    X. Li, C. Qin, Z. Wang, Z. Qian, and X. Zhang
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 17, 1404-1419, 21 March, 2022
  6. An SVD-Based Screen-Shooting Resilient Watermarking Scheme
    B. Deng, S. Li, and Z. Qian
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, accepted.
  7. Exploring Stable Coefficients on Joint Sub-bands for Robust Video Watermarking in DT CWT Domain
    W. Huan, S. Li, Z. Qian, and X. Zhang
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(4): 1955-1965, April 2022.
  8. Semi-Structured Data Protection Scheme Based on Robust Watermarking
    J. He, Q. Ying, Z. Qian, G. Feng, and X. Zhang
    EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 12(2020): 1-10, 2020
  9. Robust Digital Watermarking for Color Images in Combined DFT and DT-CWT Domains
    Q. Ying, J. Lin, Z. Qian, H. Xu, and X. Zhang
    Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(5): 4788-4801, 2019.
  10. Efficient Algorithm for Secure Outsourcing of Modular Exponentiation with Single Server
    Y. Ren, M. Dong, Z. Qian, X. Zhang, and G. Feng
    IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 9(1): 145-154, 2021.
  11. JPEG encryption for image rescaling in the encrypted domain
    Z. Qian, X. Zhang and Y. Ren
    Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 26: 9-13, 2015.
  12. Compressing encrypted images with auxiliary information
    X. Zhang, Y. Ren, L. Shen, Z. Qian, and G. Feng
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16(5): 1327-1336, 2014.
  13. Recognition of layered structure using phase-frequency characteristics of reflected sound waves
    S. Wang, Z. Qian, L. Wang, et al
    20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2013, ICSV 2013, 1633-1637, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 2013.
  14. Scalable coding of encrypted images
    X Zhang, G Feng, Y Ren, and Z Qian
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21 (6): 3108-3114, 2012.
  15. Spectrum-estimation based lossless information recovery for sparse array patterns
    G. Feng, Z. Qian and X. Zhang
    Telecommunication Systems, 49(2): 163-169, 2012.